Tag Archives: flash-fiction

Dithering Chaps

I have received the following information, which is of potential interest to Fountain Poets and other readers of this blog. The photo is from the same source.

We would love to invite you and the members of the Wells Fountains Poets Stanza Group to enter our competition for poetry and flash fiction on the theme of “Lines in the Sand”. (I must suggest to our Stanza Lead that we meet in a pub – your group sounds very vibrant!)

We hope this writing prompt is open enough to allow you and your writing colleagues to let imaginations run free … come up with something to inspire and fire us up!

The competition is listed on the National Poetry Library’s competition page (and as the days tick down, is getting ever closer to the top!) The entry fee is £5 and the deadline for the competition is 29th February. 

And, of course, any of your members who also write Flash Fiction are welcome to enter in this category too.

There will be 40 winners and we will be publishing their entries in an anthology. We will then choose one winner to be published in their own dedicated chapbook.

More information can be found here …  Poetry & Flash Fiction Competition | Bournemouth WritingFestival

Your support for this competition would be much appreciated.

Thank you.

Kind regards,


David Herring – Associate Editor

PS If you have any questions, do get in touch. I’m a member of the Wimborne Stanza Group in Dorset and I know views vary about the value of competitions. Please be assured that all income from this competition will go directly to finance the BWF or the books being published as a result.
Dithering Chaps